There are a variety of Enneagram Assessments available. This one is comprised of 90 questions that will take you approximately 15 minutes to complete. Before you get started, here are a few tips:

  1. Be honest with your responses! Your results will be most accurate if you answer honestly. Try not to answer based on what you think is expected of you or what you want to be.

  2. Be open-minded. This is a tool for growth. Be receptive to what the result may reveal about your personality. 

  3. When you are finished, read through the description of your type and think about how it resonates with you. 

Remember, the enneagram assessment is just one tool for self-discovery and should not be used as the sole basis for making important life decisions. It can, however, provide valuable insights into your personality and help you identify areas for growth and development. 

Upon entering your email below, the assessment will begin. By providing your email address, you consent to receiving communication from us. We value your privacy and will not share your information with anyone.

Practice Empathy. Improve Culture. Cultivate Joy.